Unlocking Mobility: The 90-90 Hip Stretch for Enhanced Performance

When it comes to maintaining peak performance in sports and physical activities, we often focus on strengthening muscles and improving endurance. However, there’s one critical aspect of fitness that’s frequently overlooked – hip mobility. The 90-90 hip stretch is a dynamic and effective stretch designed to enhance hip mobility, making it an invaluable tool for athletes, whether you’re a track athlete, MMA fighter, hockey player, or anyone in need of agile and flexible hips. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of this stretch, explore the muscles it targets, and explain why it’s essential for a variety of sports and common conditions.

The Stretch That Makes a Difference

The 90-90 hip stretch, also known as the shin box stretch, is a dynamic exercise that helps improve hip mobility and flexibility.

Stretch: 90 90 Hip Stretch

  1. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle, forming an “L” shape with both legs.
  2. Your right knee should be bent in front of you, with your right foot flat on the ground.
  3. The left knee is bent behind you, with your left foot flat on the ground.
  4. Keeping your spine straight, engage your core, and begin to rotate your torso to the right.
  5. As you rotate, aim to have your chest and shoulders face the same direction as your right knee.
  6. You’ll feel a stretch in your hips and glutes as you rotate. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
  7. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

The Muscles in Question

Before we delve deeper into the benefits of the 90-90 hip stretch, let’s get acquainted with the key muscles it targets:

  1. Hip External Rotators: These muscles, including the piriformis and gluteus maximus, play a crucial role in hip mobility. They allow your hips to rotate outward, which is essential for movements like lateral lunges and agility drills.
  2. Hip Flexors: The hip flexors, such as the psoas major and iliacus, are responsible for flexing the hip joint. Stretching them can help alleviate tightness and improve hip range of motion.
  3. Adductors: These muscles run along the inner thigh and help in hip adduction, which is essential for movements like skating, kicking, and lateral movements in sports like MMA and hockey.

Why Do You Need to Stretch These Muscles?

Improved hip mobility offers a wide range of benefits, making the 90-90 hip stretch an essential part of any athlete’s routine:



Common Conditions:

Incorporating the 90-90 hip stretch into your fitness routine can make a significant difference in your athletic performance and overall well-being. Whether you’re a track athlete striving for that extra burst of speed, an MMA fighter seeking agility, or simply looking to alleviate hip discomfort, this dynamic stretch offers a pathway to enhanced hip mobility and flexibility. Don’t underestimate the importance of hip mobility in your training and daily life; unlock your potential with the 90-90 hip stretch.

The 90/90 Hip Stretch is a dynamic exercise to enhance hip mobility. To do it, sit with legs bent at 90 degrees, lean forward, hold for 15-30 seconds, and switch sides.

Athletes in sports like track, MMA, hockey, and ringette seeking improved hip mobility can benefit from this stretch.

It primarily targets the hip flexors and gluteus muscles, crucial for hip mobility and performance in various sports.

Yes, it can reduce the risk of injuries like groin strains and lower back pain by enhancing hip mobility.

For best results, perform this stretch regularly, especially before workouts, to optimize hip mobility and athletic performance.