DEFINITION -What is Massage Oil?
Massage oil is a substance used to reduce friction during massage therapy. It may also produce aromas that can further the relaxation and beneficial effects of massage.
Many massage oils consist of a set of base oils and essential oils. Massage oils developed alongside aromatherapy. Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, have even used them. Although not an essential part of every massage, massage oil can help promote overall well-being and enhance one’s health.
Massage may further be very uncomfortable without the presence of massage oil. However, this may depend on the type of massage being performed. Further, different types of massage oil may be used for different types of massage. Not all massage oil has an aroma.
Most often, massage oil is not very dense as it should easily glide and slide along the skin. With this in mind, it should also have a low viscosity so that it can move with the massage therapist’s hands. Massage oil will also absorb into the skin in a reasonable amount of time. It shouldn’t absorb too quickly as this would limit the massage time, but it should eventually absorb. Filtered oils are also frequently preferred as they are more pleasant to touch.
In addition to massage oil, massage lotions, cremes, or gels may be used to reduce the friction between the massage therapist’s hands and the patient’s skin. Again, the exact usage or type of tool used may depend on the type of massage or the massage therapist.
At Athlete’s Choice Massage, our team of massage therapists are experienced and trained in many massage techniques. Discover how massage can help you feel your best. Strive for optimal health and wellness. Get back to your normal! And if you’re not sure what type of massage you need, feel free to look around our site. Take a peek at our treatment page.